Law Enforcement News
Government Technology,
(11/21/2017), Scott Berson
2018, Oklahoma will begin using traffic cameras to scan drivers’ license plates
and send tickets to those who do not have insurance. Drivers will face a $184
fine, and if they do not pay, they face possible prosecution. An estimated 25
percent of Oklahoma drivers do not have insurance.
Surveillance Cameras in
Bars, Homes Could Feed Into New Orleans Crime Monitoring Center,
(11/21/2017), Alex Woodward
Orleans has a new Real Time Crime Monitoring Center, with plans to include
feeds from surveillance cameras owned by businesses and residents along with
video from city-owned surveillance devices. The center will primarily be
staffed by civilian employees, and is part of a multi-million project to
decrease crime rates in the city.
All’s Quiet So Far With
City’s New Alert System
Avalanche-Journal, (11/28/2017), Matt Dotray
LBKAlert system launched a few weeks ago, but so far the Lubbock Police
Department has not elected to use it for any public safety event. A department
spokesman says that the system is intended for use in times when there is a
need for a citywide alert, and the department will err on the side of caution
in using it.
Dayton’s New Traffic
Weapon: A Speed Gun That Can Cite You With No Stop
Dayton Daily News,
(11/28/2017), Cornelius Frolik
October 2017, the police department in Dayton, Ohio, began using DragonEye
Speed Lidar devices, which allow officers to take photos of speeding vehicles,
thus enabling them to issues citations without making a traffic stop. Unlike
stationary speed cameras, these devices can be deployed anywhere in the city.
Mecklenburg Jail Visits
Are Now Solely by Video. Critics Say That Hurts Inmates, Families., (11/21/2017),
Charlotte Observer Staff
growing number of North Carolina jails, including the one in Mecklenburg
County, have ended in-person visits in favor of video-only visitation. Research
indicates that inmates who receive visits and remain connected with family and
friends are less likely to reoffend, and that in-person visits return greater
results than do video-only visits.
Informed Decision-making
Belongs in the Justice System
Moines Register, (11/21/2017), Lettie Prell, contributor
opinion piece, written by a retired research director with the Iowa Department
of Corrections, takes a stand against the recent backlash against using risk
assessments in determining sentencing and setting bond.
Drones Are Caught Flying
Drugs or Mobile Phones Into Jail Every Five Days: Specialist Squad Has Seized
120 Devices Since the Start of 2016 and Convicted 17 People
Daily Mail,
(11/21/2017), Ian Drury
the United Kingdom, a new specialist squad established in January 2016 has
recovered 120 drones used in attempts to smuggle contraband into the nation’s
jails. The team’s efforts have led to the conviction of 17 individuals.
New AEI Report Suggests
Reforms to Curb Recidivism
Correctional News,
(11/20/2017), Daedalus Howell
American Enterprise Institute recently released “Rethinking Prison: A Strategy
for Evidence-Based Reform,” a 37-page report in which the author calls for
reforms aimed at reducing recidivism rates. The report calls for an increase in
instructional programs, a reduction in the number of prisoners and increased
use of risk assessments.
'Mass Exodus' of Texas
Prison Guards Leaves Some Units Understaffed
Houston Chronicle,
(11/15/2017), Keri Blakinger
Texas correctional system faced a 28-percent turnover rate in the past fiscal
year, which some experts attribute to a recovering oil and gas sector. In times
of economic prosperity, individuals often leave corrections jobs for other
positions that offer better pay. The system presently has a 12-percent job
vacancy rate.
Bail ‘Disrupters’ Have a
Plan to Free Thousands From U.S. Jails
NBC Nightly News,
(11/23/2017), Hannah Rappleye and Brenda Breslauer
in November, criminal justice reformers launched The Bail Project, a plan to
use charitable donations to bail people who cannot afford to pay bond out of
jail. Backed by $30 million in donations, the group plans to establish a
revolving fund to keep more than 160,000 low-income individuals out of jail
while awaiting trial for minor offenses.
UNO Researchers to Study
Correctional Officers' Stress, Mental Health
KIOS, (11/22/2017),
Cheril Lee
at the University of Nebraska-Omaha plan to look for a possible link between
correctional officers’ exposure to stressful experiences and subsequent
development of long-term mental and physical health issues. In addition to
collecting data, the researchers will also take saliva samples to obtain
physical evidence of officers’ exposure to stress.
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