insights by researchers reveal how young loggerhead sea turtles stay on course
during one of the longest and most spectacular migrations on Earth
The most comprehensive perspective to
date on precisely how young loggerheads navigate their transoceanic migration
was recently published in two complementary papers produced by a research team
led by Kenneth J. Lohmann, a marine biologist at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.
they get there
The team's most recent paper argues that
young loggerheads, which begin their migrations as tiny two-inch-long
hatchlings, likely advance along their open-sea route through a combination of
strategic swimming interspersed with passive drifting on favorable ocean
currents. By swimming only in places where they are in danger of being carried
off course and drifting passively in other areas where ocean currents move in
the same direction that the turtles want to go, young loggerheads can migrate
long distances on limited energy stores.
"Young turtles probably rely on a
strategy of 'smart swimming' to optimize their energy use during migrations,"
Lohmann said. "The new results tell us that a surprisingly small amount of
directional swimming in just the right places has a profound effect on the
migratory paths that turtles follow and on whether they reach habitats
favorable for survival."
The research, published in the June 2012
issue of The Journal of Experimental Biology, was partially funded by the
National Science Foundation (NSF).
The findings--which were based on
computer simulations combining ocean currents and 'virtual turtles' swimming for
various period of time--challenge a long-standing belief that young sea turtles
drift passively and that their distribution is determined entirely by ocean
currents. "Most researchers have assumed that, because ocean currents in
some places move faster than young turtles can swim, the turtles cannot control
their migratory paths," Lohmann explained. "This study shows
"The research team's results have
important implications for 'weakly moving animals,' including larval fish,
butterflies and ballooning spiderlings," said David Stephens, a program
director at NSF. They suggest that even small amounts of effort from these
creatures can have big effects on where they end up, and how they get there.
Stephens continued: "All those
things that we've thought of as 'just drift along with the current' might,
after all, have a lot of control over where they're going, with minimal
This discovery may be particularly
useful in understanding commercially important creatures, such as fish and
crab, that have weakly swimming larvae that, like turtles, have often been
assumed to drift passively, added Lohmann. An improved understanding of their
movements may lead to better fisheries management.
they steer
A related paper published last month by
Lohmann's team explains how young Florida-hatched loggerheads know where they
are and in what direction to steer as they migrate around the North Atlantic
basin. The paper, which appears in the April 2012 issue of Current Opinion in
Neurobiology and describes research funded by NSF, reports that the turtles are
guided at least partly by an inherited "magnetic map."
The Earth's magnetic field differs
slightly in different geographic areas. The turtles' magnetic map enables them
to instinctively and wondrously use differences in these fields as navigational
markers that serve as equivalents to road signs for turtles in the open sea.
Each change in the magnetic field elicits a change in the turtle's swimming
direction, which in turn steers the turtle along its migratory route at each
The new paper summarizes a decade of
research in which scientists investigated the turtles' magnetic map, using
laboratory experiments in which young loggerheads were exposed to magnetic
fields that exist along the natural migratory route. Amazingly, the direction
that turtles swam in the lab in response to various magnetic fields matched
observations of the steering decisions made by turtles when swimming through
comparable magnetic fields in the ocean. The results indicate the turtles'
brains are hard-wired to navigate their migratory routes from birth.
"The results also indicate that
turtles obtain both latitude and longitude-like information from the oceanic
magnetic field," said Stephens. "They may thereby obtain much richer
spatial representations from magnetic fields than do humans with their compasses."
Tiny loggerhead hatchings are born small
and defenseless, said Dr. Lohmann. Unable yet to make deep dives, they can only
swim slowly along the ocean's surface. Their limitations make them easy targets
for predatory fish swimming below them and for hungry birds searching out their
next meals from above. Such turtle predators are particularly abundant in
shallow, coastal areas.
Scientists believe that loggerhead
hatchlings attempt to dash from danger-filled coastal zones--in nature's version
of a football maneuver known as a "Hail Mary pass"--into the relative
safety of the open sea largely to avoid their enemies. Eating and growing in
the open ocean where predators are less abundant, the turtles migrate slowly
and wait until their larger size reduces their chances of being attacked by
coastal predators, before they return to coastal North American waters.
Nevertheless, the odds are still stacked
against the survival of any particular loggerhead hatchling. Estimates suggest
that only about one in four thousand hatchlings from Florida survives to
All species of sea turtles are listed as
threatened or endangered. The new research may provide insights that are
helpful in conservation, Lohmann said.
For example, different populations of
loggerheads around the world are likely to have different magnetic maps,
Lohmann explained, with each map specific to a particular migratory pathway in
one part of the world. If loggerheads in one geographic area go extinct, it
will probably be impossible to replace them with turtles from another area,
because the new arrivals will lack the inherited instructions needed to
navigate within and from their transplanted homes.
In addition, conditions that impair the
functioning of turtles' magnetic sense may jeopardize survival. Lohmann says
that in Florida and elsewhere, a common conservation practice is to surround
turtle nests on the beach with wire cages to protect the turtle eggs from
raccoons. But such cages also distort the local magnetic field, and may thereby
compromise the ability of hatchlings to navigate after they emerge from their
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