Research by ecologist Andrew Forbes of
the University of California, Davis, found that when the apple maggot shifted
hosts from the hawthorn tree to the apple, it triggered a cascading effect on
the ecosystem.
Forbes and his colleagues found that the
wasp, which attacks the apple maggot, has formed new incipient species as a
result of specializing on diversifying fly hosts, including the apple-infesting
race of R. pomonella.
The apple maggot, which is native to
North America, shifted from its ancestral hawthorn host (Crataegus spp.) to the
introduced European apple less than 250 years ago. "The two
populations," Forbes said, "have since become partially
reproductively isolated due to a number of host-related adaptations and are now
distinct host races" (a group of organisms in the process of becoming a
new species due to their close association with a particular host plant or animal).
Forbes says this example of speciation in action may tell us more about why
certain groups of organisms are more diverse than others, as well as suggest
why certain areas and/or biotic regions may have more species than others.
[Research supported by a dissertation
grant from the National Science Foundation (DEB 07-09647).] [This picture is
associated with the following study: Forbes, A.A., L.L. Stelinski, T.H.Q.
Powell, J.J. Smith and J.L. Feder. 2009. Sequential sympatric speciation across
trophic levels. Science. 323: 776-779.]
(Date of Image: 2006)
Credit: Andrew A. Forbes
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