Isolated radars on each ship in the
group scan independently of each other with limited effectiveness. But consider
if all of the ships’ radars could be coherently linked to function as one.
Such a capability would improve the
range and resolution of each radar system, making it possible to identify and
characterize objects further away and with greater fidelity.
Conventional X-ray machines provide
images of bones and organs that help doctors make crucial decisions regarding
patient care. They cannot, however, resolve structures at the cellular level.
Imagine having access to a table-top
x-ray imager that could not only image a single cell, but also the nucleus,
ribosomes and other components that make it up; and not only as a flat image,
but in 3-D. Such information would be invaluable for testing responses to
candidate drugs and discovering new treatments.
These two very different applications
are not science fiction and could be enabled by the same basic technology:
ultrafast, pulsed lasers operating at optical wavelengths.
These kinds of pulsed lasers are known
as frequency combs because they are composed of thousands of individual laser
lines, equally separated in frequency like the teeth of a comb. DARPA seeks to
control the entire electromagnetic spectrum by using frequency combs to
generate and engineer waves in the optical domain and then down or up-convert
those waveforms to the desired wavelength.
Such technology has many potential
applications relevant to the Department of Defense (DoD), such as low phase
noise microwave oscillators for secure communications, explosive and chemical
agent detection, and the production of attosecond (10-18s) pulses for imaging
the motion of electrons in complex materials.
Many of the techniques that underlie
these applications have been demonstrated, but are currently unsuitable for
practical use because they are restricted to a laboratory setting. DARPA’s
Program in Ultrafast Laser Science and Engineering (PULSE) aims to enable
synchronization, metrology and communications applications for DoD by advancing
compact, high power and environmentally insensitive frequency comb technology,
as well as the science underlying these applications.
Achieving these goals will require input
from researchers across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Potential proposers
are encouraged to review and respond to the PULSE Broad Agency Announcement
“PULSE is a basic research program
initially focused on component technology. Our primary concern isn’t
demonstrating a specific application, rather making these tools a reality at a
practical scale by overcoming current obstacles like size and thermal
management,” said Jamil Abo-Shaeer, DARPA program manager for PULSE. “The range
of potential applications is enormous. Literally any technology that uses
electromagnetic radiation could be impacted.”
Low phase noise microwave oscillators
represent one potential application of the high frequency stability provided by
optical frequency combs. Under PULSE, DARPA will pursue enabling technologies
to reduce comb size. One possible approach involves recently demonstrated,
chip-based optical frequency combs that were generated from micron-scale
optical resonators.
However, while such combs potentially
offer a vast reduction in form-factor compared with conventional technology,
they have yet to demonstrate the stability and bandwidth required for low phase
noise microwave oscillator production.
At the other end of the spectrum, PULSE
will explore how to capitalize on the high intensity obtainable from pulsed
lasers for applications like x-ray imaging. PULSE aims to enhance the
capabilities of tabletop, high-peak power, pulsed-laser driven x-ray generation
techniques; these sources should produce high flux, coherent x-rays with
wavelengths in the water-window (2.3 to 4.4 nm) for biological imaging
applications. At present, these types of
x-rays can only be generated by a few building-sized machines, thus limiting
the range of applications.
Proposers are sought for the development
of ultrafast laser science applications, including microwave generation,
optical time-transfer, laser-driven secondary radiation generation and
attosecond science.
As a fundamental research program, PULSE
welcomes proposals from U.S. and international researchers and is expected to
span over a five year time-scale. For detailed information, please review the
BAA. Proposal abstracts are due by 4:00
PM ET, September 6, 2012. Full proposals are due by 4:00 PM ET, November 6,
Information for this story provided by
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